Vision Board for Negative Nancy

Its 2015, twenty-five years later and I'm barely getting with the whole new year, new you thing. I know a new year doesn't change you but a new year can definitely inspire change in you. If your anything like the old me, your going to let the new year pass, just as if it were any other day because you know that you won't change even if you tried.

Do you have weight loss goals? Financial goals? Spiritual goals? You know, its okay to have goals, its a clear picture as to which direction you'll be taking every morning. Of course, God is the one who holds time, so when and how you will get them is totally up to Him.

But please, this is for the pessimist, the realist, the negative mind thinker....when was the last time you wished you were better? How about a minute ago? Regardless of whether or not we think we can actually be better, nothing will change as long as we "think" we can't, shouldn't, wouldn't, won't. So lets say just today, we decide to listen to the good things in our heads. How about we decide that the "ugh i wish i could's" can become, "why not". How about you start designing the life you wanted before you let doubt and failure overrule. How about you try, even if you fail?

If you would realize the person you keep wishing you could be IS YOU, but just with a little hard work and that the girl that you keep pinning or following on instagram wasn't always that girl. Guess what, she might just be as imperfect as you, thats the beauty of social media, you can add, crop, blur, filter anything in your life you please. Point is, we are all insecure beings, whether we act like it or not is our choice. So with that, how about you start listing your vision for this year? Fearlessly.

Ive never done this before, i thought it was pretty dorky and cliche.. but hey, Oprah does it and that lady got BANK! Not that thats what I aspire but hey, a little money won't hurt here it is:

  • I want to be more positive when it comes to myself. I want to be more comfortable in my own skin, in my own way, in my own weirdness. Confident.
  • I want to be consistent. Stick to what I say ill do even after the excitement of doing it has worn off.
  • I want to keep up my devotional group with #girlswhopray, no matter where i am, what mood I'm in, or what weather there is. 
  • I want to be a boss, make extra money, contribute to our family finances. 
  • I want to continue to build a safe haven for my marriage
  •  I want to keep up this blog and get subscribers who actually enjoy reading it.
  • I want to be more Adventurous, fearless, curious....I want to start living and not letting anxiety cage me in. I want to get back up if i fall, and run against the wind.
  • I want to go back to school.  
  • I want to start paying off school loans, medical bills, be able to think of owning a home. Get out of some debt.
  • I want to get close to my husbands side of the family. 
  • I want to take more pics of our little family. 
  • I want to stick to eating healthy and exercising.
That is what I can think of now, they are all things that I have a desire to be or reach someday. I believe that with the reminder of having them here on the blog, on a poster, on my phone, and on my computer, it will be hard to forget the goals Ive set for myself. I hope that you accept the challenge and that you at least try to note them down.

Just try it. It won't hurt.

Love, Sami

1 comment:

  1. Would love to hear or see alls vision boards. Hope y'all are having a beautiful day. Stay blessed.
