About Me

Well first things first, the name is Samanta....short for Samanta. Yes, there is no "H" in the name, my parents thought it was the mexican way to spell samantha....and they were totally right. So I guess that answers this...I am a full blooded mexican, conceived in Mexico and born in Texas. I am 25 years young. I am a basketball wife, which isn't as luxurious as it sounds and doesn't make me as dumb as the girls on the show...'cuase I'm still married. We have a drop dead gorgeous bi-racial baby girl named Zahara Lizet (and I aint saying it 'cause Im her mom) and may plan on having more in the future if God allows. I am constantly trying to be a better wife and mommy and of course servant. I am what you call an empathetic person and for most of my life that was my downfall, but slowly I've learned to use it in a positive way. I also have to speak on an anxiety disorder that i let define me for 13 years. Without that struggle I wouldn't be where I am today and I thank God for it even though I was so mad with Him at times for not taking it away. I got a lot to talk about with that topic but we will leave that for later. So moving on, I am different, just like everyone else....but I go a step further sometimes, I honestly am always pushing against the crowd. I don't like dressing, acting, doing, shopping, creating, etc., like anyone else. Im pretty sure life would be a lot easier if I just followed but I can't. I also have naturally always felt like the savior type, like the protector. I feel its my need to protect people who can't or won't defend or protect themselves, while it may seem heroic, its also a downfall. I am a huge family person, Ill take a night in with my family over anything in the world, no joke. Homebody at best, but I am getting better at it, for my childs sake. Also, I left this for the end but I am a Jesus follower, I may not be the best Jesus follower, shoot, I may not even be good at it....but I won't ever give up. Not for anyone or any feeling. Theres obviously a lot more about me that could be said, but Ill leave that for the blog to unfold. I don't know what will come of this blog, but I hope I can use this to help others who could use an outlet to laugh, smile, cry, or relate in anyway. 

Topics I hope to discuss: 

-Family & Relationships (from parenting to marriage)
-Emotional Issues (Anxiety, depression, phobias, aspirations, dreams, etc)
-Documenting (for family memory reasons, diary)
-Health & Beauty (Makeup looks, Food diary, weightless, etc)
-Devotional (Things I learn through the bible and prayer)

I hope you enjoy,

Our Family Verse to live by is found in Phillipian 4:12

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